Blue Lotus Incense
About Our Blue Lotus Incense
Our Blue Lotus incense is made from the finest blue lotus oil imported from cultivators in the USA amazingly enough. There is demand there for those who use the dried petals to make tea and also smoke!!It appears to contain apomorphine, a drug with psychoactive properties. The blue lotus is a heady almost fruity incense with low woody notes but with a hint of high ethereal notes like in Patchouli. Very exotic.
Shop for Blue Lotus IncenseThe Lotus Flower is the most famous flower in Vedic poetry and literature in India as its soft colourful and extraordinary beauty have meant its feature in many philosophical and spiritual works where the Supreme Godhead’s transcendental and spiritual form is compared to the beauty and softness of this flower and His eyes likened to the lotus petal.
Also known as Egyptian Lotus, Blue Water Lily, Sacred Narcotic Lily of the Nile. It is Nymphaeacaerulea (blue lotus) which was used in ancient Egypt as a key to good health and rebirth. Represented in ancient Egyptian art. The blue lotus was found scattered over Tutankhamen’s body when the Pharaoh’s tomb was opened in 1922. Many historians thought it was a purely symbolic flower, but there may be some reason to believe that ancient Egyptians used it to induce an ecstatic state, stimulation, and/or hallucinations, as well as being widely used as a general remedy against illness.
It is this flower which lent its name to Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s (fl. 1850) poem, in which that blue flower symbolizes whatever urges us to seek new experiences. The poem refers to the episode in The Odyssey of Homer in which Odysseus’ gets sidetracked on his way home from the Trojan war.
The blue star water lily referred to as a lotus is the national flower of Sri Lanka, Nymphaeastellata.
Interesting Information On Blue Lotus
The Blue Lily was traditionally used to relieve pain, increase memory, increase circulation, and create feelings of euphoria and ecstasy, without the use of narcotics. According to recent studies, Blue Lily was found to be loaded with health-giving phytosterols and bioflavonoids. It turned out to be one of the greatest daily health tonics ever found, consumed as an extract. May help relieve muscle spasms, for Egyptian Blue Lotus is a sedative, antispasmodic, and ethnogen.
During Chinese New Year festivities, sugaredblue lotus flower seeds are available as sweets. Also, according to one tradition, the wife who finds such a seed inside a dumpling she is eating can be certain of bearing a son in the year to come.
It is interesting that the number of round scars on the rhizome corresponds to the age of the plant in years. Available either fresh or canned, it may be sliced longitudinally and served as a refreshing vegetable.
The blue lotus is a symbol in many ancient religions throughout the world. To the ancient Egyptians, a lotus bud or sesen was a symbol of rebirth. It closes in the evening and falls to the water; in the morning it opens and is lifted above the surface. Its behaviour emulates that of the sun. When the sun rises, the lotuses open their petals as if emitting radiation — regaining consciousness, as it were.
The Egyptians believed that the world was originally covered by water and darkness. A Blue Lily sprang up from the water and opened its petals to reveal a young god, a Divine Child. Light streamed from the Divine Child to banish universal darkness. This child god was the Creator, the Sun God, the source of all life. When the Pharao known as King Tut was entombed, his body was covered in NymphaeaCaerulea (Blue Lily) flowers.
Ancient Use of Blue Lotus
Traditionally, NymphaeaCaerulea was drunk after being soaked in warm water or wine, while a cigarette made of the dried flowers was smoked. These are flowers and tops only and are suspected to contain aporphine andnuciferine, natural alkaloids.
In the ancient Egyptian cosmogony, the lotus also represents the newly-formed earth, just as it does in India where the lotus emerges from primeval slime to bloom and provide the foundation of the physical world.
In Vedic literature the Supreme Person Krishna expands Himself ultimately into forms for creation called Purusa Avatars beginning with Maha-Vishn and through the agency of Vishnu He reclines in the coils of the cosmic serpent Ananta, within each of the millions of Universes, and a blue lotus flowerstem emerges from his navel which blossoms into the flower wherein Brahma, born without Mother from the navel of Vishnu, first seeks out the source of his creation by meditation and penance before performing the function of sub-creation within his particular universe. The fourteen planetary systems are sometimes described as coiling around the Lotus stem.
Some Lotus flowers open only under moonlight.
When prepared as a tea the flowers produce a thick, gold/clear liquid that reminds one of melted amber. The liquid is ever-so-slightly sweet and upon being consumed creates a warm, euphoric glow.
See our range of Blue Lotus Incense here: